On opening the fifth seal, what was seen under the altar?


"And when He had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain f or the
Word of God, and f or the testimony which they held." Verse 9.
NOTE - When the Reformers exposed the work of the Papacy, it was then called to mind how
many martyrs had been slain for their faith.

Whose voice had more weight with Saul than had the commandment of God?
What reward in this life is promised the faithful mother?
And what is indicated as the lawful use of the law?
While God is merciful, does this clear the guilty?
What day does the commandment say is the Lord's?
Would God have His people unite in these combinations?
What plain proposition did he submit to all Israel?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle