Seeking a fair remuneration, what do many laborers do?
Form labor unions, engage in strikes, boycotts, etc.
NOTE - While these means may hold matters in check for a time, and afford temporary relief,
they cannot eradicate the evil, and bring about a final solution. The evil is deep-seated; it lies in the heart;
and nothing but conversion-a change of the heart and of the affections---can eradicate it. It is the sin of
selfishness, or covetousness-a failure to love one's neighbor as oneself. The conflict between capital and
labor is an inevitable and an irrepressible conflict as long as sin and selfishness are in the world. And near
the end it becomes the most acute and intense, because then sin comes to the full.
What else does the prophecy say the little horn would do?
What call was made to come out of Babylon?
How may we know that we love the children of God?
On what day did Paul and Barnabas preach at Antioch?
What will the righteous do upon rising from the grave?
What are we admonished to overcome?
How completely will the pains and sorrows of the former world pass away?
Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle