To what extent has God magnified His Word?


"Thou hast magnified Thy Word above all Thy name." Ps. 138: 2.
Note-God did this by backing His promises with an oath based on Himself Hebrews 6:13,14. By this He
pledged and placed at stake His name, or character, for the fulfilment of His word.

What similar call and appeal will be made under the final outpouring of the Spirit?
After creating man, what did God say?
In symbolic language, what is represented by winds?
How did Christ treat His Father's commandments?
What song will they sing?
3. According to the prophecy, how long was the power represented by the little horn, or papal Rome, to persecute the saints?
What is Spiritualism defined to be?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle