Under the new covenant, what does God promise to do?


"I will put My law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts." Jer. 31: 33.
NOTE-The new covenant is an arrangement for bringing man again into harmony with the divine
will, and placing him where he can keep God's law. Its "better promises" bring forgiveness of sins, grace to
renew the heart, and power to obey the law of God. The dissolution of the old covenant and the making of
the new in no wise abrogated the law of God.

Through whom is this reconciliation made?
What precious promise did Jesus make to His disciples shortly before His crucifixion?
By what means did the Jews know God's will?
What great change will then take place in their bodies?
To whom was the book dedicated?
Of whom does the Bible teach that God is a rewarder?
While dining with Zaccheus, what did Christ say?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle