Upon what conditions are we promised needed blessings?


"Ask and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you: for
everyone that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened." Matt. 7:7,8.
NOTES - 'Prayer is not the overcoming of God's reluctance; it is the taking hold of God's
willingness!' "Prayer is the opening of the heart to God as to a friend." Prayer does not change God; but it
does change us and our relation to God. It places us in the channel of blessings, and in that frame of mind
in which God can consistently and safely grant our requests.
"How shall we pray so as to be heard and to receive help? For one thing, there must be a real
desire in our hearts. Forms of words do not make prayer: we must want something, and must realize our
dependence upon God for it."-J. R. Miller, D.D.

How was the ceremonial law made known to Israel?
How does the Lord, through the prophet Isaiah, indicate what is true Sabbath-keeping?
Did Christ's followers keep the Sabbath after His death?
14. Besides telling His disciples when to flee, how did Christ further show His solicitude and tender care for them?
What comforting promise has God made concerning the sleeping saints?
Under what striking symbol was all this foretold?
Who did he say he was?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle