What, therefore, did God do?


"And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and He took one of his ribs, and
closed up the flesh instead thereof; and the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made He a
woman, and brought her unto the man." Verses 21,22.
NOTE - How beautiful, in its fullness of meaning, is this simple but suggestive story, at which
sceptics sneer! God did not make man after the order of the lower animals, but "in His own image." Neither
did He choose man's companion, or "help," from some other order of beings, but made her from man-of the
same substance. And He took this substance, not from man's feet, that he might have an excuse to degrade,
enslave, or trample upon her; nor from man's head, that woman might assume authority over man; but from
man's side, from over his heart, the seat of affections, that woman might stand at his side as man's equal
and, side by side with him, together, under God, work out the purpose and destiny of the race-man, the
strong, the noble, the dignified; woman, the weaker, the sympathetic, the loving. How much more exalted
and inspiring is this view than the theory that man developed from the lower order of animals!

For what is all Scripture profitable?
Can man free himself from the dominion of sin?
How are these gifts elsewhere spoken of?
What name is given to the second state of the church?
How is the closing period of tribulation of the church during this time referred to?
What were these locusts said to have over them?
What scripture indicates that each child of God has an accompanying angel?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle