What appeared upon the opening of the second seal?


"And when He had opened the second seal. . . . there went out another horse that was red: and power was
given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there
was given unto him a great sword!' Verses 3, 4.
NOTE - As whiteness in the first horse denoted the purity of the gospel which its rider
propagated, so the color of the second horse would show that corruption had begun to creep in when this
symbol applies. It is true that such a state of things did succeed the apostolic church. Speaking of the
second century, Wharey, in his "Church History," page 39, says: "Christianity began already to wear the
garb of heathenism. The seeds of most of those errors that afterwards so entirely overran the church,
marred its beauty, and tarnished its glory, were already beginning to take root." Worldliness came in. The
church sought alliance with the secular power, and trouble and commotion were the result. This symbol
extends from the dose of the first century to the time of Constantine, when a complete union of church and
state was effected.

To what knowledge would God have all men come?
What did the prophet say His name should be called?
What event does he speak of as immediately following these times of refreshing?
How early did Timothy know the Scriptures?
6. What occurred at the time of the crucifixion which indicated that the typical system had been taken away by Christ?
What power has claimed authority to change the law of God?
Upon what one fact does Paul base the Christian hope?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle