What are we admonished to overcome?


"Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." Rom. 12: 21.
NOTE - In 1 John 5: 4 that which we are to overcome is called "the world"; and in 1 John 2: 1517 the things of which "the world" consists are described as "the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes,
and the pride of life."

16. How did Christ reprove those who, though familiar with the letter of the Scriptures, failed to understand them?
What was the result of the Jews' not accepting Christ?
Who were brought to Him for healing?
What will be the standard in the judgment?
If one professes to abide in Christ, how ought he to walk?
Under what figure was the Christian church represented to the Apostle John?
Did the early disciples think that death would he the second coming of Christ?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle