What assurance was given to Daniel concerning the period of time mentioned in verse 14?
"And the vision of the evening and the morning which was told is true: wherefore shut thou up the vision;
for it shall be for many days." Dan. 8: 26.
NOTES - By the expression "the vision of the evening and the morning" reference is made to the
vision concerning the twenty-three hundred days, as may be seen by referring to the marginal readings of
Dan. 8:14.
The interpretation of the vision of chapter 8 closes without making any explanation of the long
period of time which was mentioned to Daniel in the answer to the question, "How long shall be the
vision?" This important feature was left to be interpreted later. See next reading.
What was contained in the second apartment?
How did death enter the world?
21. What miraculous event occurred at the death of Christ, signifying that the sacrificial system was for ever at an end ?
What may be known with equal certainty when these signs have been seen?
What title was given to the fourth state of the church?
What will be the fourth plague?
To whom did Jesus first send the twelve disciples?
Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle