What blessed assurance is given all believers in Christ?
"And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ
Jesus." Phil. 4: 7.
ARISE my soul, arise,
Shake off thy guilty fears;
The bleeding Sacrifice
In my behalf appears;
Before the throne my Saviour stands,
My name is written on His hands.
Five bleeding wounds He bears,
Received on Calvary;
They pour effectual prayers,
They strongly speak for me.
Forgive him, oh, forgive! they cry,
Nor let the contrite sinner die!
What fate awaits blind teachers and their followers?
In the judgment-hour message, whom are all called upon to fear, glorify, and worship?
Can there be sin where there is no law?
7. Seeing, then, that the Sabbath is holy, is to be kept holy, and is a day for holy convocations, what must be its character?
At His ascension, how did the angels say Christ would come again?
10. As we near the closing scenes of human probation, why may we expect an increase in demoniacal manifestations?
Who else appeared on this occasion?
Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle