What command is given under the sixth trumpet?


"And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before
God, saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great
river Euphrates." Verses 13, 14.
NOTES-These four angels are understood to refer to the four leading Turkish sultanies--Aleppo,
lconium, Damascus, and Bagdad-of which the Ottoman Empire was composed, situated in the country
watered by the river Euphrates. As a striking parallel it may be noted that under the sixth plague (Rev. 16:
12-16) the four angels of Rev. 7: 1-3 will loose the winds of war, the waters of the river Euphrates
(symbolizing the people of that region) will be dried up, and the armies of the nations will assemble for the
battle of Armageddon.

What estimate did Job place upon the words of God?
What contrast is drawn in the Scriptures between the Creator and false gods?
What do those born of God not do?
Why did the Lord abhor the Canaanites?
Why was double manna given on the sixth day?
What was to he inflicted upon one of the heads of this beast?
Whom did Christ indicate as fulfilling this prophecy?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle