What delights and pleasures await the child of God?


"Thou wilt show me the path of life: in Thy presence is fullness of joy; at Thy right hand there are
pleasures for evermore." Ps. 16: 11.
I WILL sing you a song of that beautiful land,
The far-away home of the soul,
Where no storms ever beat on the glittering strand,
While the years of eternity roll.
0 that home of the soul! in my visions and dreams
Its bright jasper walls I can see,
Till I fancy but thinly the veil intervenes
Between the fair city and me.
That unchangeable home is for you and for me,
Where Jesus of Nazareth stands;
The King of all kingdoms for ever is He,
And He holds our crowns in His hands.
0 how sweet it will be in that beautiful land,
So free from all sorrow and pain;
With songs on our lips and with harps in our hands,
To meet one another again!
Mrs. Ellen H. Gates.

What prophecy foretold of the disposal of Christ's garments at the crucifixion?
What comment has the Apostle Paul made upon this commandment?
Who was the last Babylonian king?
How are the character, work, period of supremacy, and great power of the beast described?
What did the prophet see coming up at this time?
Who alone knows the exact day of Christ's coming?
What will he receive who endures temptation?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle