What determines whether one is a child of Abraham?
"Know you therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham." Gal. 3: 7.
NOTE - Because of unbelief many of the Israelites fell in the wilderness, and were not permitted
to enter the promised land. Num. 14:27-33; Deut. 1:34-36.
Upon what evidence did Jesus base His Messiahship?
How did Christ say those who rejected Him reasoned?
What did the wise men of the East do when they had found Jesus?
Through Christ, what has been opened to the house of David?
22. How many of the commandments is it necessary to break in order to become a transgressor of the law?
What will this prophet do when he comes?
Are the angels interested in the plan of salvation?
Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle