What did Christ say of the certainty of this prophecy?


"Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Heaven and earth
shall pass away, but My word shall not pass away." Matt. 24: 34, 35.
NOTE-Everyone at all acquainted with history knows that what Christ foretold concerning the
destruction of Jerusalem came true to the very letter. So likewise may we be assured that what He has said
concerning the end of the world will as certainly and as literally be fulfilled.

What is the beginning of wisdom?
How are parents instructed to bring up their children?
Under what authority were its decrees published?
How did Christ Himself say He would come?
How many will see Him when He comes?
15. Because Solomon asked for wisdom rather than for long life and riches, what besides wisdom did God give him?
19. When this city becomes the metropolis of the new earth, what will be the condition of God's people?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle