What did the bishops determine to do?
"This theocratical theory was already the prevailing one in the time of Constantine; and . . . the bishops
voluntarily made themselves dependent on him by their disputes, and by their determination to make use of
the power of the state for the furtherance of their aims."-Id., page 132.
NOTE-The "theocratical theory" was that of a government administered by God through the
church, particularly through the church bishops.
15. When God sent the Ninevites a warning message, how did they show their repentance, and what was the result?
29. What bears witness to the genuineness of the righteousness obtained by faith, apart from the deeds of the law?
Of what was Abraham's obedience the fruit?
1. What report did the officers bring who were sent out by the chief priests and Pharisees to take Jesus?
What kinds of disease and sickness did Jesus cure?
Who will sing the song of Moses and the Lamb on the sea of glass?
What, more than all else, proves the perpetuity and immutability of the law of God?
Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle