What does Neander say of the securing of these laws?


"In this way the church received help from the state for the furtherance of her ends."-Id., page 301.
NOTE - In this way, more perhaps than in any other, church and state were united. In this way the
church gained control of the civil power, which she later used as a means of carrying on most bitter and
extensive persecutions. In this way she denied Christ and the power of godliness.

How did Christ make it clear to them that the Scriptures testify of Him?
What was God's object in making the earth?
What loss do those sustain who do not accept Him?
What was offered in this sanctuary?
For what purpose did the law enter?
Whom does Paul say the saints are to judge?
What above all else shows God's willingness to do this?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle