What does it mean when used with reference to law?


To perform, to keep, or to act in accordance with; as, "Bear you one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law
of Christ." Gal. 6: 2. See also Matt. 3: 15; James 2: 8, 9.

How is the righteousness thus obtained described?
What was indicated by the mixture of clay and iron in the feet and toes of the image?
Why do the inhabitants of heaven worship God?
14. What did He say of those who should break one of God's commandments, or should teach men to do so?
What statement did Paul make concerning his faith and manner of worship?
Into what perplexity did Christ's working of miracles on the Sabbath throw the Pharisees?
Of what material is the wall constructed?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle