What is Spiritualism defined to be?


"A belief that departed spirits hold intercourse with mortals by means of physical phenomena, as by
rapping, or during abnormal mental states, as in trances, or the like, commonly manifested through a
medium; spiritism."-Webster.
Spiritism: "The theory that mediumistic phenomena are caused by spirits of the dead."-Webster.
NOTE-"The very central truth of Spiritualism is the power and possibility of spirit return, under certain
conditions, to communicate with those in the material form."-N. F. RavIin, Spiritualistic lecturer, of

In His teaching, to what did Christ direct attention?
When Pilate desired Christ released, how did they remonstrate?
Does proper correction evidence a want of parental love?
What scripture shows that the Roman emperors ruled the world?
What was indicated by the mixture of clay and iron in the feet and toes of the image?
21. To what extent is the apostasy, or fall, of modern Babylon, the mother, and of her daughters, to be carried?
What else has He promised to do?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle