What is necessary where there is a covenant?


"For where a covenant is, there must also of necessity be the death of that which establishes it. For a
covenant is made firm over the dead victims; whereas it is of no force while that which established it lives!'
Heb. 9: 16, 17, Boothroyd's translation.

After one truly receives Christ, whose life will be manifested in him?
Into what experience are those baptized who are baptized into Christ?
What classes of persons are necessarily shut out of the kingdom of God?
5. After the healing of the blind man, upon what charge did some of the Pharisees seek to prove that Christ was not of God?
To whom was Belshazzar's kingdom given?
What song of triumph follows the overthrow of Babylon?
19. Just before the pouring out of the plagues, what call does God send to His people still in Babylon?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle