What is necessary where there is a covenant?
"For where a covenant is, there must also of necessity be the death of that which establishes it. For a
covenant is made firm over the dead victims; whereas it is of no force while that which established it lives!'
Heb. 9: 16, 17, Boothroyd's translation.
Through whom are repentance and forgiveness granted?
In reply to his inquiry concerning salvation, what was the Philippian gaoler told to do?
How did Solomon's parents regard him as a child?
21. To what extent is the apostasy, or fall, of modern Babylon, the mother, and of her daughters, to be carried?
What directions were given by Constantine's Sunday law of March 7, 321?
When Christ comes, who will come with Him, and what will they do?
What did Christ say would be the experience of His people in this world?
Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle