What is said of his mother and his grandmother?


"When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois,
and thy mother Eunice." 2 Tim. 1:5.
NOTE - No position in life is superior to that of the mother, no influence more potent for good or
evil. "All that I am or hope to be, I owe to my mother," said Abraham Lincoln. "All that I have ever
accomplished in life, 1 owe to my mother declared D. L. Moody. "A kiss from my mother' " said Benjamin
West, "made me a painter." "My mother was the making of me," declared the noted inventor, Thomas A.
Edison. And Andrew Carnegie, the millionaire, who gave his mother his earnings when a boy, said, "I am
deeply touched by the remembrance of one to whom I owe everything that a wise mother ever gave to a
son who adored her." It has been truly said that the home is the primeval school the best, the most
hallowed, and the most potential of all academies, and that the mother is the first, the most influential, and
therefore the most important of all teachers. See poem on page 163.

Who does the apostle say saw Christ after He was risen?
Why should wives he in subjection to their husbands?
Why should children obey their parents?
How may we be freed from the guilt of our sins, or our transgressions of God's law?
Did Christ's followers keep the Sabbath after His death?
What is said of charity in the Scriptures?
When our friends fall asleep in death, with what words are we told to comfort one another?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle