What is the great secret of a happy home?


"Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith." Prov. 15: 17.
HAPPY the home when God is there,
And love fills every breast;
When one their wish, and one their prayer,
And one their heavenly rest.
Happy the home where Jesus' name
Is sweet to every ear;
Where children early lisp His fame,
And parents hold Him dear.
Happy the home where prayer is beard,
And praise is wont to rise;
Where parents love the Sacred Word,
And live but for the skies.

What does the imputed righteousness of Christ enable God to do, and still be just?
In what other prophecies is this same period mentioned?
What part of the law of God especially has the Papacy thought to change?
Who first enjoined Sunday-keeping by law?
Did angels exist before the death of any of the human family?
To what Old Testament promise did Peter evidently refer?
Of what material is the wall constructed?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle