What is the meaning of the word "Sabbath"?
NOTE - Previous to the fall, God designed that man's time should be occupied with pleasant,
invigorating, but not wearisome labor. Gen. 2:15. Laborious, wearisome toll came in consequence of sin.
Gen. 3:17-19. While under the fall the Sabbath, therefore, may bring physical rest to both man and the
beasts of burden (Ex. 23:12) in a way not originally intended, physical rest was not its original and primary
design or purpose. Cessation from the ordinary labors and occupations of the week was ordained, not
because these are wrong or sinful in themselves, but that man might have an appointed time and a
frequently recurring period for the contemplation of the Creator and His works. Under the gospel, the
Sabbath is a sign of spiritual rest and freedom from sin. So we read, "For he that is entered into His rest, he
also bath ceased from his own works, as God did from His." Heb. 4:10.
How necessary is faith?
By what three distinct acts, then, was the Sabbath made?
What other reason is given for keeping the Sabbath?
For what purpose did Christ say He would come again?
By what name are the members of this family called?
How great reward has God promised those that love Him?
Upon whom was the name Israel first bestowed?
Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle