What is the whole world called upon to do?


"Fear God, and give glory to Him." Verse 7.
History sets its seal to the words of the holy prophets, revealing that God, through them, had faithfully
declared "the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done." Isa. 46: 10.

What in the early church showed living faith?
7. How did the chief priests and Pharisees seek to prevent the fulfilment of Christ's words concerning His resurrection?
Whom did Christ say the Holy Spirit would glorify?
What does the Papacy set forth as the mark, or sign, of its power and authority?
What will this power propose that the people shall do?
At this time what event is imminent?
10. As we near the closing scenes of human probation, why may we expect an increase in demoniacal manifestations?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle