What is the whole world called upon to do?


"Fear God, and give glory to Him." Verse 7.
History sets its seal to the words of the holy prophets, revealing that God, through them, had faithfully
declared "the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done." Isa. 46: 10.

What does the prophet Jeremiah declare Christ to be?
What should be the prayer of every parent?
17. What similar language is used by the Apostle Paul in describing the \"mystery of iniquity,\" or \"man of sin\"?
How comprehensive are these commandments?
When asked which commandments, what did Jesus say?
What is the character of God, and how only can He be truly worshipped?
By what means were the three Hebrews protected while in the fiery furnace?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle