What lesson did Christ design to teach in healing the man sick of the palsy?


"But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power upon earth to forgive sins, (He said unto the sick of
the palsy,) I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy couch, and go into thine house." Luke 5: 24.
NOTE - By His miracles, therefore, Christ designed to teach faith in the power of God not only to
restore the body, but to heal the soul.

How did Christ make it clear to them that the Scriptures testify of Him?
After the Flood, what came in consequence of further apostasy from God?
How did Abraham respond to this command?
How did the aged prophetess Anna express herself at the sight of Jesus?
Who did He say would be called great in the kingdom?
What is our duty toward the outcast and wandering?
Why did Christ say the meek are blessed?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle