What name is given to the third state of the church?


"To the angel of the church in Pergamos write." Verse 12.
NOTE - The meaning of Pergamos is height, or elevation, and fitly represents that period of the
Christian church, beginning with the reign of the Emperor Constantine in AD. 313, when the power which
had put the Christians to death espoused the cause of the church, and by rewards, edicts, and promised
promotions to office in the government, sought to induce the people to become Christians, thus bringing a
flood of worldliness and corruption into the church. Many of the heathen rites and ceremonies previously
introduced into the Christian religion, including the heathen festival, Sunday (sun's day), were then
established by law, the result being that the first day of the week took the place of the Sabbath of the Bible.

Is there danger of delaying correction too long?
How early does Paul say Timothy was instructed?
What kind of labor is to be done through the week?
Who did he say he was?
How did Job treat the poor?
What delights and pleasures await the child of God?
How may we obtain eternal life?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle