What other book of the Bible is especially commended for our study?
"Blessed is he that reads, and they that hear the words of this prophecy [the Book of Revelation], and keep
those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand." Rev. 1: 3.
"How Readest Thou?"
IT is one thing to read the Bible through, Another thing to read to learn and do. Some read it with design to
learn to read, But to the subject pay but little heed. Some read it as their duty once a week, But no
instruction from the Bible seek; While others read it with but little care, With no regard to how they read,
nor where. Some read to bring themselves into repute, By showing others how they can dispute; While
others read because their neighbors do, To see how long 'twill take to read it through. Some read it for the
wonders that are there-How David killed a lion and a bear; While others read it with uncommon care,
Hoping to find some contradictions there. Some read as if it did not speak to them, But to the people at
Jerusalem. One reads with father's specs upon his head, And sees the thing just as his father said. Some
read to prove a pre-adopted creed, Hence understand but little that they read; For every passage in the
Book they bend To make it suit that all-important end. Some people read, as I have often thought, To teach
the Book instead of being taught; And some there are who read it out of spite. 1 fear there are but few who
read it right. But read it prayerfully, and you will see, Although men contradict, God's words agree; For
what the early Bible prophets wrote, We find that Christ and His apostles quote. So trust no creed that
trembles to recall What has been penned by one and verified by all.
To what extent has God magnified His Word?
Under what striking emblem was He prophesied of by Balaam?
How do the children of God walk?
What, in prophecy, is symbolized by waters?
How long is Satan to be imprisoned on this earth?
To whom must one belong in order to be Abraham's seed?
What will the ransomed of the Lord then do?
Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle