What other reason is given for keeping the Sabbath?
"Verily My Sabbaths you shall keep: for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations; that
you may know that I am the Lord that does SANCTIFY you." Ex. 31: 13.
NOTE - To sanctify is to make holy, or to set apart for a holy use. The sanctification, or making
holy, of sinful beings can be wrought only by the creative power of God through Christ by the Holy Spirit.
In 1 Cor. 1:30 we are told that Christ is made unto us "sanctification"; and in Eph. 2:10 it is said that "we
are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works." The Sabbath, therefore, is a sign of
sanctification, and thus of what Christ is to the believer, because it is a reminder of the creative power of
God as manifested in the work of regeneration. It is the sign of the power of God, therefore, in both
creation and redemption. To the believer, it is the evidence, or sign, that he knows the true God, who,
through Christ, created all things, and who, through Christ, redeems the sinner and makes him whole.
What question did the performing of these miracles lead many to ask?
By what is the Medo-Persian Empire represented in the great image?
Who is brought before the Father at this time?
How are those described who will he prepared for the coming of Christ?
With what words did God admonish Cain?
To whom, then, should its observance be rendered?
Where are the dead when they hear the voice of Christ calling them to life?
Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle