What relation does the earthly sanctuary sustain to the heavenly?
"Who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things, as Moses was admonished of God when he
was about to make the tabernacle: for, See, says He, that thou make all things according to the pattern
showed to thee in the mount." Heb. 8: 5.
How may we receive this same imputed righteousness?
Concerning what subject ought we to be informed?
What is to be one of the prominent sins of the last days?
What tender, filial regard did Christ manifest for His mother in the hour of His death?
What has He commanded men to observe in memory of this great work?
Whom should we fear and dread?
17. What great contrast will be seen between the present body and the one to be put on in the resurrection?
Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle