What shameful treatment did Christ receive from the soldiers?


"And when they had plaited a crown of thorns, they put it upon His head, and a reed in His right hand: and
they bowed the knee before Him, and mocked Him, saying, Hail, King. of the Jews! And they spit upon
Him, and took the reed, and smote Him on the head." Matt. 27: 29, 30.

What estimate did Job place upon the words of God?
Upon how many does God bestow His blessings?
What instruction is given concerning confession of sin?
When David confessed his sin, what did he say God did?
How does Paul again express this same truth?
14. Besides telling His disciples when to flee, how did Christ further show His solicitude and tender care for them?
Why did not these ancient worthies receive the promise?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle