What special miracle is finally to be performed to deceive men, and fasten them in deception?


"And he does great wonders, so that he makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of
men." Rev. 13: 13.
NOTE - In the time of Elijah, in the controversy over Baal-worship, this was the test as to who
was the true God-the God that answered by fire. 1 Kings 18: 24. Now, as a counterfeit test, fire will be
made to come down from heaven to confirm men in an idolatrous and false worship.

By whom were the heaven and the earth created?
What contrast is drawn in the Scriptures between the Creator and false gods?
What is faith declared to be?
Against what three things does the third angel of Revelation 14 warn men?
How does Isaiah speak of the wicked at this time?
What was the color of the symbol under the third seal?
What promise is made to them that walk uprightly?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle