What trying experience did Christ then foretell?


"For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor
ever shall be!' Verse 21.
NOTES - In paragraph 4 of his preface to his "Wars of the Jews," Josephus, referring to the
destruction of Jerusalem, says: "The misfortunes of all men, from the beginning of the world, if they be
compared to these of the Jews, are not so considerable." In this terrible calamity, the prophecy of Moses
recorded in Deut. 28:47-53 was literally fulfilled. He said: "Thou shall eat the fruit of your own body, the
flesh of thy sons and of thy daughters, . . . in the siege, and in the straitness, wherewith your enemies shall
distress thee." For an account of the fulfillment of this, see Josephus's "Wars of the Jews," book 6, chap. 3,
par. 4.
Following the destruction of Jerusalem came the persecution of the early Christians under the
pagan emperors during the first three centuries of the Christian era, that begun under Diocletian in AD.
303, and continuing for ten years (Rev. 2: 10), being the most bitter and extensive persecution of God's
people the world had yet witnessed. Following this came the still greater and more terrible persecution of
the saints during the long centuries of papal supremacy, foretold in Dan. 7: 25 and Rev. 12: 6. All these
tribulations occurred under either pagan or papal Rome.

Into what relationship to God does His love bring us?
How highly does God regard obedience?
How does the Revelator describe this satanic desire to destroy Christ?
When did this long period expire?
10. What are those to drink who accept the teachings of Babylon, and thus render homage to the beast?
For what did Christ reprove the Pharisees and Sadducees?
Where are the dead when they hear the voice of Christ calling them to life?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle