What two covenants are contrasted in the Bible?


"In that He says, A new covenant, He hath made the first old. Now that which decays and waxes old is
ready to vanish away." Heb. 8: 13.

For what purpose were the Scriptures written?
What is said of the little horn as compared with the ten horns of the fourth beast of Daniel 7?
What was done with the blood of the goat upon which the Lord's lot fell?
How was this covenant then confirmed and dedicated?
What is the one great feature by which the true God is distinguished from all false gods?
4. Although Lord, Maker, and an observer of the Sabbath, how was He watched and spied upon by the scribes and Pharisees on this day?
Of what will the saints speak?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle