What two covenants are contrasted in the Bible?
"In that He says, A new covenant, He hath made the first old. Now that which decays and waxes old is
ready to vanish away." Heb. 8: 13.
What does Christ say of that servant who, when He comes, is found giving \"meat in due season\"?
From what sources did Christ usually draw His parables?
Which are some of the most touching and soul-winning of Christ's parables?
Is it the duty of gospel ministers to execute vengeance?
Then in order to keep the Sabbath day holy, what must be recognized?
What will be the fourth plague?
18. Lest the Gentile grafts should boast, saying that the Jews were broken off to let them come in, what warning is given them?
Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle