What was Paul's manner respecting the Sabbath?


"They came to Thessalonica, where was a synagogue of the Jews: and Paul, as his manner was, went in
unto them, and three Sabbath days reasoned with them out of the Scriptures." Acts 17: 1, 2.
NOTE - It was Paul's manner, as it was Christ's custom (Luke 4:16), to attend religious services
on the Sabbath.

For what purpose was Christ manifested?
In view of God's great love to us, what ought we to do?
What course on the part of children is well pleasing to the Lord?
9. What prophetic period extends to the time of the cleansing of the sanctuary, or the investigative judgment?
By whom were all things created?
What endearing title is given the sixth church?
By what title does the Psalmist address God?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle