What was the result of this warfare by means of "fire and smoke and brimstone"?


"By these three was the third part of men killed." Verse 18.
NOTE - This shows the deadly effect of this new means of warfare. "Constantinople was subdued,
her empire subverted, and her religion trampled in the dust by the Moslem conquerors."-Elliott's "Horae
Apocalyptae," Vol. I, page 484.

What is the result of godly sorrow?
How perfect is the unity into which believers are brought by being baptized into Christ?
In whose name should everything be done?
How will such a mother he regarded?
What is the one great feature by which the true God is distinguished from all false gods?
When are the saints to he like Jesus?
To whom was the book dedicated?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle