What will He say to those on His right hand?


"Then shall the King say unto them on His right hand, Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the
kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." Verse 34.

Where is the price of Christ's betrayal foretold?
31. What scripture shows that the righteousness which is received by grace through faith must not be made an excuse for continuing in sin?
In what age of the world is disobedience to parents to be especially manifest?
22. What prophetic period begins at the time when the continual mediation of Christ was taken away by the Papacy?
14. Within less than forty days after the making of this covenant, while Moses tarried in the mount, what did the people say to Aaron?
What was Paul's manner respecting the Sabbath?
What did the Savior say should precede the end?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle