What will be the fourth plague?


And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with
fire." Verse 8. See Joel 1: 16-20.
NOTE - Sun-worship is the most ancient and widespread of all forms of idolatry. In this plague
God manifests His displeasure at this form of idolatry. That which men have worshipped as, a god,
becomes a plague and tormentor. Thus it was in the plagues of Egypt. Those things which the Egyptians
had worshipped became scourges to them instead of benefactors and blessings. See "The Philosophy of the
Plan of Salvation," by "An American Citizen," chapter 3.

What estimate did Job place upon the words of God?
What prayer did Moses offer in behalf of Israel?
To what knowledge would God have all men come?
What tender, filial regard did Christ manifest for His mother in the hour of His death?
When tempted to bow down and worship Satan, what reply did Christ make?
Upon what one fact does Paul base the Christian hope?
Why was the gospel to be preached to the Gentiles?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle