What will follow this great conflagration?


"Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwells
righteousness!' Verse 13.
NOTE - As shown in the reading on "The Millenniurn," page 48, at the coming of Christ the
living wicked will die, and the saints will be taken to heaven to dwell with Christ a thousand years, or until
the wicked of all ages are judged, and the time comes for their destruction and the purification of the earth
by the fires of the last day. Following this, the earth will be formed anew, and man, redeemed from sin,
will be restored to his original dominion.

For what spiritual gift did the Apostle Paul pray?
When believers are baptized into Christ, whom do they put on?
What will follow this union with Christ in His death and resurrection?
What does Solomon say his father did for him as a child?
What did Joseph, in Egypt, say when tempted to sin?
What reward awaits the true child of God?
What will it mean to dwell in God's presence?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle