What will he the reward of those who honor their parents?


"Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth
thee." Ex. 20: 12.
NOTE - The fullness of this promise will be realized in the life to come, when the earth, restored
to its Edenic beauty, will become the eternal home of all those who have truly honored their parents and
kept all God's commandments.

What in the early church showed living faith?
What instruction suggests the giving of thanks for daily food?
What is to be the fate of those who, instead of worshipping God, engage in this false worship?
Why did God make His promise to the seed of Abraham?
By what are all men to be finally judged?
What words to this church show the second advent near?
While in this condition, how much does one know about those he has left behind?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle