When, according to the Bible, does the Sabbath begin?


"And the evening and the morning were the first day." "And the evening and the morning were the second
day," etc. See Gen. 1: 5, 8,13,19, 23, 31.
NOTE-The evening begins "at the going down of the sun." See Deut. 16:6; Mark 1:32; Deut. 23: 11; 1
Kings 22: 35, 36; 2 Chron. I8: 34.

Upon what basis does the reward come to one who works?
What promise is made to the obedient?
29. What statement immediately following the announcement mentioned in Rev. 22: 11, indicates that a judgment work had been in progress before Christ comes?
What name is given to the third state of the church?
What are we admonished to overcome?
To whom is the Epistle of James addressed?
How did man lose his dominion?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle