When asked which commandments, what did Jesus say?


"Jesus said, Thou shall do no murder, Thou shall not commit adultery, Thou shall not steal, Thou shall not
bear false witness, Honor thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself." Verses
18, 19.
NOTE - While not quoting all of the Ten Commandments, Jesus quoted sufficient of them to
show that He referred to the moral law. In quoting the second great commandment He called attention to
the great principle underlying the second table of the law-love to one's neighbor-which the rich young man,
in his covetousness, was not keeping.

Who awakens the soul to a sense of its sinful condition?
How were the two on the way to Emmaus affected by Christ's conversation with them?
After the crucifixion, what day was kept by the women who followed Jesus?
How strongly will this false worship and the enforcement of this mark be urged?
How did Christ Himself say He would come?
What class only have part in the first resurrection?
In ministering to the needy, whom are we really serving?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle