When did this long period expire?


In AD. 1844. See reading on page 35.
NOTE - Our Lord based His preaching of the gospel upon the fulfillment of the first part of the
2300 days, or years (Mark 1: 14, 15), a prophecy which determined the time of the first advent. The whole
period extends to the time of the judgment, just preceding the second advent, and at its expiration a special
gospel message is sent to all the world proclaiming the judgment hour at hand, and calling upon all to
worship the Creator. The facts of history answer to this interpretation of the prophecy: for at this very time
(1844) just such a message was being proclaimed in various parts of the world. This was the beginning of
the great second advent message which is now being proclaimed throughout the world.

What saved the people from the predicted overthrow?
What warning is therefore given?
What specifications of \"the man of sin\" are thus fully met?
How long was the Sabbath to be a sign of the true God?
12. Why did Job wish that his words were written in a book, graven with an iron pen and lead in the rock forever?
Against whom do we wrestle?
What was one of Christ's parting promises to His disciples?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle