When purged from these sins, in what condition is a man, and for what is he prepared?


"If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified, and meet for the
Master's use, and prepared unto every good work!' 2 Tim. 2: 21.
NOTE - Sanctification is the term used to describe the work of God the Holy Ghost upon the
character of those who are justified. We are justified in order that we may be sanctified, and we are
sanctified in order that we may be glorified. 'Whom He justified, them He also glorified.' Rom. 8: 30. The
grace of God is given to make us holy, and so to fit us for God's presence in eternity; for 'without holiness
no man shall see the Lord.' Heb. 12: 114.' - "The Catholic Religion" (Episcopal), by Rev. Vernon Staley,
page 327.

For what were the Bereans commended?
To whom are those who suffer exhorted to commit their souls?
After creating Adam and Eve, what did God say to them?
2. After being threatened with death if they did not make known the dream and the interpretation, what did the wise men say to the king?
What will be the standard in the judgment?
How is the character of the law described by the Apostle Paul?
What promise did God leave for these persecuted ones?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle