When this sign appeared, what were the disciples to do?


"When you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the
holy place, (who so reads, let him understand:) then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains."
Matt. 24: 15,16.
NOTE - In October, Am. 66, when Cestius came against the city, but for some unaccountable
reason suddenly withdrew his army from it, the Christians discerned in this the sign foretold by Christ, and
fled. After the departure of Cestius, Josephus, in his "Wars of the Jews," chapter 20, says that "many of the
most eminent of the Jews swam away from the city, as from a ship when it is going to sink." It is a
remarkable fact that in the terrible siege which occurred under Titus three and one-half years later, not a
single Christian is known to have lost his life, while 1,100,000 Jews are said to have perished in it. Here is
a most striking lesson on the value and importance of studying and believing the prophecies, and giving
heed to the signs of the times. Those who believed what Christ had said, and watched for the sign which
He had foretold, were saved, while the unbelieving perished. So it will be in the end of the world. The
watchful and believing will be delivered, while the careless and unbelieving will be snared and taken. See
Matt. 24: 36-44; Luke 21:34-36; 1 Thess. 5: 1-6.

In what words was this promise renewed to Abraham?
What was the special mission of John the Baptist?
Whom are all called upon to worship?
And what is indicated as the lawful use of the law?
What change is made in Satan's condition at the close of the one thousand years?
In what is the wrath of God filled up?
Why, then, does God permit the chastening rod to fall?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle