When was there a remarkable display of falling stars?


November 13, 1833.
NOTES - The celebrated astronomer and meteorologist, Professor Olmsted, of Yale College, says:
"Those who were so fortunate as to witness the exhibition of shooting stars on the morning of November
13, 1833, probably saw the greatest display of celestial fireworks that has ever been since the creation of
the world, or at least within the annals covered by the pages of history. . . . The extent of the shower of
1833 was such as to cover no inconsiderable part of the earth's surface, from the middle of the Atlantic on
the east to the Pacific on the west; and from the northern coast of South America to undefined regions
among the British possessions on the north the exhibition was visible, and everywhere presented nearly the
same appearance!'
"At Niagara the exhibition was especially brilliant, and probably no spectacle so terribly grand
and sublime was ever before beheld by man as that of the firmament descending in fiery torrents over the
dark and roaring cataract."-The American Encyclopedia, edition 1881, article "Meteor."
Upon reading a statement that modern fireworks excel this greatest exhibition of shooting stars,
Mr. Clarkson, father of the former editors of the paper from which the following quotation is made, and
himself agricultural editor of it, said: "The writer of that sentence did not witness the glorious meteoric
shower of November, 1833, when the display was so much superior to any artistic display of fireworks that
neither language nor any element in nature can furnish comparisons. The comparison of the sheet-iron
thunder of the theatres to the electric display of Providence when the heavens are all on fire, and the earth
trembles would be tolerable. But the awful grandeur of the display on the night of the thirteenth of
November, 1833, which made the stoutest heart stand in awe, and the most defiant infidel quake with fear,
is never to he compared with the most brilliant fireworks. Those who witnessed the meteoric shower
named saw the greatest display that man ever will see until the day that Peter speaks of when the heavens,
being on fire, shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat. The agricultural editor of
the Register was out alone with a team and load of lumber all night on that never-to-be forgotten night.
And he cannot now consent to hear of human fireworks being superior to that most grand and sublime
spectacle ever before or since beheld by man. Patent fireworks are no nearer this wonderful phenomenon
than a lightning-bug is equal to the Sun." - Iowa State Register, July 12, 1889.
Frederick A. Douglas, in his book "My Bondage and My Freedom," page 186, says: "I witnessed
this gorgeous spectacle, and was struck with awe. The air seemed filled with bright descending messengers
from the sky. It was about daybreak when I saw this sublime scene. It was not without the suggestion at
that moment that it might be the harbinger of the coming of the Son of man; and in my state of mind I was
prepared to hail Him as my friend and deliverer. I had read that the stars shall fall from heaven, and they
were now falling."
A single star appeared to the wise men, and directed them to the Savior, at His first advent.
Myriads of stars have announced the nearness of His second advent.
It will be seen that these signs produced the very impression that God evidently intended that they
should-that the day of judgment, Christ's coming, and the end of the world are near at hand.

In symbolic prophecy what length of time is represented by a day?
What similar charge was brought against the Apostle Paul?
How did God reprove their disobedience?
What do the works of God declare?
Of what did Christ say the Son of man is Lord?
Against what deceptions did Christ then warn us?
What other event is mentioned under this seal?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle