Where are the Ten Commandments recorded?


In Ex. 20: 2-17.

As He cried out in agony on the cross, and said, 9, thirst,\" what was given Him?
What became of the various parts of the image?
What apostasy from the worship of God is named in this message?
4. What explanation did Moses give the rulers of Israel concerning the withholding of the manna on the seventh day in the wilderness of Sin, before they reached Sinai?
12. Are men's hearts now \"failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth\"?
7. Near the close of the three and one-half years drought in Israel, brought about as a judgment did King Ahab bring against Elijah?
What is the burden of the threefold message of Rev. 14: 6-10?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle