Wherever Abraham went, what was his practice?


"And there he builded an altar unto the Lord, and called upon the name of the Lord." Gen. 12:8. See also
Gen. 13:4; 21:33.
NOTE - "The manner in which the family worship is conducted is very important. It should be
made so pleasant as to be looked forward to with gladness even by the youngest children. Too often it is
made tedious, monotonous, or burdensome. . . . To make it dull and irksome is treason to true religion. . . .
A few minutes given every day to preparation for family worship will serve to make it, as it should be, the
most pleasant and attractive incident of the day.' - "Week-Day Religion," by J. R. Miller, D.D., pages 8183.

What was the special message for Noah's day?
In what spirit should children obey their parents?
What is to be one of the prominent sins of the last days?
For what is it profitable?
What power was represented by the ram having two horns?
When Moses came down from Sinai, what did he see?
What will flow through the city?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle