Who else appeared on this occasion?


"There appeared unto them Moses and Elias." Verse 3.
NOTE - In this miniature representation of Christ's kingdom, as in His triumphal entry into
Jerusalem (Matt. 21: 1-9), Christ appeared as King; Moses (Jude 9) represented the sleeping saints to be
raised at Christ's coming; and Elijah (2 Kings 2: 11) the living saints to be translated then.

What question did others raise in opposition to this view?
What did the goat with the notable horn represent?
Does faith in God make void the law?
In what was shown the first tangible evidence of this \"falling away\" from the truth of God?
What did the first Sunday law enacted in America, that of Virginia, in 1610, require?
What other event is mentioned under this seal?
In what is the Christian to grow?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle