Who is this dragon said to be?


"And the great dragon was cast out that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole
world." Verse 9.
NOTE-Primarily the dragon represents Satan, the great enemy and persecutor of the church in all
ages. But Satan works through principalities and powers in his efforts to destroy the people of God. It was
through a Roman king, King Herod, that he sought to destroy Christ as soon as He was born. Matt. 2:16.
Rome must therefore he symbolized by the dragon. The seven heads of the dragon are interpreted by some
to refer to the "seven hills" upon which the city of Rome is built; by others, to the seven forms of
government through which Rome passed; and by still others, and more broadly, to the seven great
monarchies which have oppressed the people of God; namely, Egypt, Assyria, Chaldea, Persia, Greece, and
pagan and papal Rome, in`--either of which Rome is represented and included. See pages 155, 156. The ten
horns, as in the fourth beast of Daniel 7, evidently refer to the ten kingdoms into which Rome was finally
divided, and thus again identify the dragon with the Roman power.

Could such a help be found among the creatures which God had already made?
What was done with the blood of the offering?
What did He teach concerning the stability of the law?
What does God say the Sabbath will be to those who hallow it, or keep it holy?
What is said concerning the captivity and downfall of the Papacy?
In the judgment, how many angels minister before God?
Why are the Scriptures given?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle