Why are they demanded now?
"Give us good Sunday laws, well enforced by men in local authority, and our churches will be full of
worshippers, and our young men and women will be attracted to the divine service. A mighty combination
of the churches of the United States could win from Congress, the state legislatures, and municipal
councils, all legislation essential to this splendid consummation. "-Rev. S. V. Leech, D.D., in Homiletic
Review, November, 1892.
Who are called to repentance?
What change is wrought in conversion, or the new birth?
Is there any evidence that such an image will be made?
Why will many not be prepared for this event?
What influence has this hope upon the life?
22. How did He manifest His sympathy in the case of Mary and her friends weeping over the death of Lazarus?
How often should we pray?
Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle