Why did Christ say the meek are blessed?
"Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth." Matt. 5: 5.
NOTE - This inheritance cannot be realized in this life; for here the truly meek generally have
little of earth's good things.
5. What further statement of Christ seems to lay the responsibility for the origin of sin upon Satan and his angels?
Into whose name are believers to be baptized?
Does faith exclude works?
By what means did Herod seek to destroy Christ?
What was the result of Christ's working miracles at His first passover?
4. After Daniel and his fellows had sought God earnest1y, how were the dream and its interpretation revealed to Daniel?
12. Because of Christ's healing a woman of an infirmity on the Sabbath, what did the ruler of a certain synagogue say?
Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle